
Klink is non profit. What does that mean?

How is the klink financed?

The klink is mainly financed by grants and donations. Ideally, these make up about 80% of the total costs. This is to keep the ticket price affordable. The organizer is the non-profit organization VorOrt e.V. and the klink is organised unsalaried.

Why does the klink festival charge admission?

The 20% (or often more) of total costs that still need to be financed after grants and donations are distributed among the tickets. This is important so that the festival does not go into the red and private individuals are charged. On the right is an insight into the expenses and income of the last two years.

What has to be paid for at a festival?

What happens with the profit of the klink?

If the festival makes a profit, parts of it will be donated to VorOrt e.V. and serve as a cushion to make the next festival possible. The money should go back into the community. The more budget the klink has, the more fairly artists can be paid and the more diverse the klink program can be.